Installment Plan

  1. Only valid for purchase of ready stocks worth RM300 and above.
  2. Maximum of 3 times payment.
  3. Customers are compulsary to make payment every month (3 months in a row).
  4. Customers are free to decide the amount of payment they are making every month. However, the minimum amount for the first payment should be at least RM100.
  5. During the installment period, if customers suddenly decided not to proceed with the purchase, deposit paid shall not be returned.
  6. If there is no additional payment made in 3 months without any notice (customer decided to disappear), customers are considered not interested to proceed with the purchase. Magically Dazzling has the right to sell the reserved item to the next customer. Deposit paid shall not be returned as well.
  7. Items will only be shipped to customers once final payment is made.

Interested? WhatsApp us to purchase:
(012) 947-1362 Adibah
(012) 934-3899 Rahim

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